Transforming Learning Outcomes with Indiana’s Next Generation School Improvement Grant (SIG)

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) recently announced that applications are now open for the Next Generation School Improvement Grant (SIG) program. Eligible schools may receive up to $300,000 to support planning and up to $3 million to support implementation over four years. In other words, schools have an amazing opportunity to carefully craft and implement transformational projects that will “rethink and reconsider the fundamental structures that exist…to better meet student needs.”

Qualifying Schools

Nearly 300 schools qualify for this competitive grant program. School corporations and charter schools may submit a single-school or multi-school application. Click here for a full list of eligible schools.

Improvement vs. Transformation

Indiana has had SIG opportunities before, so what makes this version “next generation”? The key word is “transformation.” According to the IDOE’s grant guidance document, school improvement “involves changing programs and increasing effectiveness within the current system” while school transformation “questions the current educational system to critically analyze all aspects of our approach through the lens of the student experience.”

Intervention Priorities and Models

To support school transformation, grant recipients will be expected to identify an intervention priority and intervention model. So, what does the IDOE have in mind?

The IDOE suggests the following intervention priorities:

  • Primary Literacy Transformation

    • How can schools ensure that all students are proficient readers by the end of grade three? What systemic and/or instructional changes might need to be made?

  • Student Pathways & Postsecondary Credentials

    • How can high school experiences thoughtfully align with postsecondary enrollment, employment, or enlistment opportunities? What workforce and higher education partnerships would benefit the school community?

  • Personalized/Differentiated Instructional Model

    • How can a school’s structure be reimagined to meet each student’s needs? How might technology, student grouping, and teacher leadership be leveraged in innovative ways?

  • Other

    • What other intervention priority would best meet the needs of the school community?

The IDOE acknowledges that a school’s governance structure or approach to statutory and regulatory requirements may need to change in order to achieve a selected intervention. For this reason, Next Generation SIG applicants should indicate one of the following intervention models available under current state law:

  • Innovation Network School

    • How might establishing an innovation network school provide the flexibility needed to achieve the school community’s vision?

  • Transformation Zone

    • How might the creation of a transformation zone made up of multiple schools provide the flexibility needed to achieve the school community’s vision?

  • 1003 Flexibility Waiver

    • What statutory and regulatory requirements might be waived to enable the innovations necessary to transform learning outcomes?

  • Other

    • What other intervention model might best serve the school community?

Empowering an Education Transformation Team (ETT)

To take full advantage of this grant opportunity, selected schools should consider forming and empowering key stakeholders to serve on the Education Transformation Team (ETT). By doing so, schools recognize the role of various community members and invite them to share their insights while contributing to important decisions.

Application and Evaluation

Check out the key information below regarding the grant application and evaluation process.

  • All applications must be submitted by March 25th, 2022 using this online form.

    • To help your team draft an application before using the online form, SkyBound Education has created a downloadable template. Please complete the form below to gain immediate access to this free resource!

  • Applications will be evaluated using this rubric.


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